In this article you’ll read about your cash-out transfers and how they get determined for your business account:

  • What’s the meaning of Cash-out transfer?

  • Your Cash-out frequency

    • +50 Orders = Once a week 

    • From 10 to 300 Orders = twice a week

    • From 301 to 1,000 = 3 days a week

    • 1,000+ Orders = 5 days a week

What’s the meaning of Cash-out transfer?

A cash-out transfer is the sum of revenue of all orders delivered the week before the date of the transfer. This applies to orders that have only reached their final states (Delivered, Exchanged & Returned, Cash Collected, or Returned to Origin). And, if an order is still in progress, it won't be calculated.

Your cash-out transfer has a frequency according to the volume of your orders. 

Your Cash-out frequency

Cash-out transfer dates vary based on the volume of your orders:

+50 Orders = Once a week 

For orders less than 100 per month, cash-out transfers happen once a week, every Wednesday.

 This transfer covers the total revenue made during a Saturday-to-Friday timeframe of the previous week.

From 10 to 300 Orders = twice a week

Using Bosta for 10-300 orders/month means the cash-out transfers happen twice a week, every Monday and Wednesday.

  • Transfers happening on Mondays cover the total revenue for orders collected during a Tuesday-to-Friday timeframe of the previous week.

  • Transfers happening on Wednesdays cover the total revenue that was collected during a Saturday-to-Monday timeframe of the previous week.

From 301 to 1,000 = 3 days a week

If you use Bosta for 301-1,000 orders per month, then cash-out transfers happen three times a week, every SundayTuesday, and Thursday.

  • Transfers happening on Sundays cover the total revenue for orders collected during a Wednesday-to-Friday timeframe of the previous week.

  • Transfers happening on Tuesdays cover the total revenue for orders collected during a Saturday-to-Sunday timeframe of the current week.

  • Transfers happening on Thursdays cover the total revenue for orders collected during a Monday-to-Tuesday timeframe of the current week.

1,000+ Orders = 5 days a week

If you have 1,000+ orders/month, cash-out transfers happen five times a week, every SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday, and Thursday.

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