Now you can add your banking details and edit them on your Bosta dashboard without waiting for anyone to add them for you manually. User accounts with Payment Method permissions can Add new banking details or Edit existing ones.


TO add new banking details:


1-  Click on the Settings icon in the side menu.

2- Choose the Payment Method page from options to view the adding/editing bank details page.

3- Click on the Add Banking Details button and a pop-up window will appear for you to add:

- Bank Name

- Account Holder Name

- IBAN Number

- Account Number (If IBAN isn't available)

4- Click the Submit button to save your data.

5- After that, you'll see a pop-up window to confirm the mobile number. You'll receive an SMS if you're the account holder with a 4-digit OTP. Enter the digits in the field and click Confirm.

6- After confirmation, you'll see a success message "Your bank details has been added successfully" in the Payment Method page with all the details you just added.

7- You can edit the showing details or change it altogether by clicking on the Edit Banking Details button.

Your banking details are now ready, and you can start transferring cash-outs from your Bosta Wallet to your bank account easily.