With Bosta, you can add all your products and manage your inventory stock. 

To help you add your products easily and quickly, import them all at once if needed.

Just choose the "Import Multiple Products" option

We are providing for you a sample template to directly use it. (Attached in the article the CSV or XLSX templates).

When you import your products, only the "Name" is required. Anything else is optional.

Here are more columns you can add:

  • Description
    The product description will show later on for your customers when they check your product.

  • ID
    You can add a reference ID for yourself to refer to this product whenever you want to search by it.
  • Category
    Category can help you organize your products so that your customers can see all the products under that category.
    Make sure to write the same categories in the dashboard. If you add a different name, it will be added as a custom category.

  • Sub-category
    Same as the category but more details if you need them.
    Make sure to write the same sub-categories in the dashboard. If you add a different name, it will be added as a custom category. (As there are no customer subcategories yet).

  • Price
    The product description will show later on for your customers when they check your product.
  • Quantity
    Adding the quantity will help you track the stock of this product and how many got ordered from it.
    If you don't add it, its default will be 1.
  • Active
    Setting your product as active will show it in the products list when creating orders, and enabling its order magic link.
    If you don't add it, its default will be active.