When you sell your products on Social Media, users usually ask for more details about your product. 

How about giving them all the details just in one link!?

When your users are interested in buying your product, this is what you usually do:

  1. Ask them to send to you their address.
  2. Ask them about the quantity they need.
  3. Copy their address.
  4. Open Bosta Dashboard.
  5. Create a new order.
  6. Paste their address.

How about saving your time with just one link!?

No need to take your customer's address to add an order. Just share the product link with them and they can easily create orders with their address. You can confirm these orders from the “Draft Orders” tab. 

Just 2 steps from your side:

Step 1: Add all your products easily on Bosta Dashboard

Step 2: Copy any product link from the table and share it with your customer

Share it with your customer

Your customer will open the link, and make the order with all its details.

You just confirm the order after it is created.

You can have this product link in your Ads or Social Media posts, and your customers will directly buy it and you just confirm it from your dashboard.