What is Bosta Capital?

  • A funding service from Bosta & Erada that provides access to fast, flexible financing to help grow Bosta’s clients businesses and manage their cash flows. Through Bosta Capital, our clients can get loans up to 5,000,00 EGP, and pay them monthly from their balance.

Who Can use Bosta Capital?

  • Any merchant who has shipped with Bosta for at least four months
  • All the customer will be eligible for a loan plan according to their Performance and the below criteria
  • Eligibility criteria:

1- Four months of sales with Bosta 

2- min avg # orders/ month = 50 order

3- min avg # COD/ month = 20,000 EGP

4- Delivery success rate bigger than 80% for the last 4 months

How to apply?

  • It exists on the business dashboard on both Overview and the Wallet

  • When he clicks on Bosta Capital button, he’ll find the shown application on the right, where he fills in his data and clicks on Start Now “There are 4 questions about:

1. His volume? 

2. His 2022 revenue?

3. How much money he wants to take?

4. If he uses other shipping service providers?

  • According to his answers, if he is eligible :
  1. The system will calculate how much he is eligible to take
  2. He has to upload documents :
  • national ID
  •  utility bill
  • commercial register
  •  Tax ID
  • If he is not eligible, the system will confirm what are the criteria that he needs to work on.

When will we contact the business ?

  • After uploading the documents, We will check the docs and validate the business I-score to confirm if he is eligible or not.
  • If he is Eligible, he will get a call within 24 W.H. to set with him a meeting to come to the office to sign the contract

Who will contact the customer?

  • If the loan amount is less thank 200000 EGP the customer will get a call from Erada company to set a meeting and sign the contract with them.
  • If the loan is more thank 200000 EGP the customer will get a call from Bosta to set with him a meeting to come to the office to sign the contract. 
  • If the customer is complaining that he applied & he didn't receive a callback, you need to check Bosta Capital on your admin dashboard to check the application status
  • image.png

    As if the status is:
    1) Applied, and it exceeded the agreed SLA (24 W.H) and he didn't get the callback,
     you need to check his eligibility if No we need to advise him that he is not eligible to take a loan if yes we need to send an email to to contact him within 24 W.H.
    2) Proceed, the business received a call from Bosta, but either he didn't answer or we are waiting to update us with some missed documents.
    3) Accepted, his application is completed, and he will receive the loan.
    4) Rejected, advise the customer that his I-score came negative.

Note that: If he sent the missed documents to us, we have to send them to Esraa Khaled via Gmail

Why can his loan got rejected?

  • Either he didn’t meet the minimum criteria mentioned earlier or his I-score came back negative.

How can he repay his loan?

  • There are no monthly installments. We will deduct 12% from the business cash-out transfer upon delivery to repay the loan amount from each cash cycle
  • He should repay all him loan within 9 months, as if we pass the 9 months and he didn't finish it, we will deduct 100% of his cash collected upon delivery.