Meet our brand new Team Members page!

In our way to ease your daily workflow to you and your team, we created this page specifically so that everyone who uses your Bosta account can only access the pages they need.

Why should you use this page?

Right now, you and all your team members are using the same login details to access your account and this makes tracking actions impossible.

In addition, all your team members have access to the entire account including sensitive information. 

This is especially true now that we are close to releasing the Payment Methods page which will include your bank details, and that’s why we want to make sure that each of your members has access to only the pages they need.

From the Team Members page, you can add team members and assign different permissions to each so you can track each action back to its owner and ensure that no member can access more pages than they should.

Why should the business owner be the one to set up the team and their permissions?

The business owner may not be the one who signed up with Bosta and may not be accessing the dashboard regularly. Yet, it’s important to have the business owner as of the main user on the dashboard with full access for the upcoming reason...

Usually, the main user (who created the Bosta account)  would have full access to the dashboard by default. Consequently, the same user would assign each team member to the permissions and the pages they need to have access to.

Initially, the user who signed up (created the Bosta account) will have full access by default. Full access team members have full control over the dashboard.  


The user who signed up should invite the business owner and give them full access permission to get started. The business owner should log in to the dashboard and update the permissions of the user who signed up and other users.

How can you set up your team members?

  1. Invite team members:

Go to Settings in the main navigation bar on the left and click on the “Team Members” page.

Click on the “Add Member” Button to invite new members and give them one or more of the following permissions:

  • Default Access: This is given to every team member by default. It allows team members to add, edit, and view orders, pickups, and pickup locations. Default access is already checked by default. 

Note: All team members must have this access. If the team member you’re adding is the operations manager, then they don’t need to have any more permissions.

  • Payment Methods: This gives your member(s) access to add, edit, and view your banking details so do think carefully as to who you give this access to.

  • Wallet: As soon as the Wallet is available, this permission will allow the team member with this access to view the COD balance and the details of the bank transfer transactions.

  • Integrations: This gives access to the API Integration and Plugins pages (which is usually given to the tech person on the team).

  • Admin: This gives access to your team member(s) to be able to invite, edit, and delete team members (usually given to the team admin). 

Note that we have set up the above permissions so that:

  1. Admins can’t invite nor delete a full access team member. Also, they cannot invite nor delete a team member with “Payment Methods” access.

  1. Only full access members can invite other full access members.

  1. Only full access members can invite a team member to have Payment Methods access or edit the permissions of an existing team member to have access to the Payment Methods.

  1. There must be at least one full access team member. You can’t delete the last full access member.

  1. No team member can edit their own permissions or delete themselves.

  1. Members accept the invitation:

After you invite a team member, an invitation email will be sent to the email address that you entered. The new team member should accept the invitation and enter the necessary info. 

They will also receive an OTP on their phone to validate their phone number. 

They will now be able to access the dashboard and they will see a window that describes their permissions to them.

Note 1: Orders will have a log of which team member took an action, e.g., Order created by team member x.

Note 2: The air waybill PDF report that you can generate after uploading multiple orders using an Excel sheet will go to the email address of the logged-in user.

  1. Managing team members:

  • Edit

The admin can edit the permissions of any invited or active team member. A confirmation email will be sent to the team member as proof of their new permission. Any action that is not in their access will result in an error message “You don’t have permission to do this action. Please refer to your admin for more info.” 

If the team member logs out and logs in again, they will see a window that displays their new permissions and they will be able to view only the pages they have access to.

  • Delete

If the admin deletes a team member, a confirmation email will be sent to the deleted member. If the deleted member tries to log in, they will view an error message “You don’t have access to the dashboard. Please refer to your admin for more info.”

  • Re-invite

The admin can re-invite a pending team member. Re-inviting a team member will cause the previous invitations to expire.

Need more help?  

Shoot us an email at