Investigation and compensations

Fake Update
Case If the attempt is fake and there are attempts left If the attempt is fake and there are no attempts left 1st Scenario Scenario / Logic *If ...
Tue, 9 May, 2023 at 2:35 PM
Order Issues
Damaged Shipment / Missing Item/ Mixed RTO/ Open Parcel (Raised by Business) 1st Step:  Accept the case If the business reaches out within ...
Tue, 9 May, 2023 at 2:34 PM
​ Star behavior
Star behavior  It is include ( Star did not follow instructions- Star attitude - Star refused the address) If the business/ consignee sends us a com...
Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 at 12:27 PM
Compensation Submition
TABLE OF CONTENTS How to submit compensation? How to submit compensation? In case there is an approved compensation, you need to follow these steps...
Tue, 9 May, 2023 at 2:28 PM