Frustrated with having no idea how much Bosta owes you and how much you owe Bosta? Do not know when your next cash-out is coming? We have got you covered. 

Say hello to our newest feature: the Wallet.

With the all-new Wallet, these problems are long gone. You now have full access to every transaction that takes place in your account, with all the details in one place.

Why the Wallet? 

  • To track your daily cash
    The Wallet instantly shows you how much you made from today’s orders and their shipping fees.

  • To have full financial visibility

Get real-time and detailed updates for every transaction that adds or deducts from your balance through the wallet.

  • To know your cash-out date
    With the Wallet, you can now determine when you’ll receive your next cash-out transfer and how many times you will receive them.

In this article, you’ll read about:

  • A quick summary of the Wallet cycle. 

  • How does the wallet operate?

    • The daily deposit of your completed orders

    • Your collected cash and shipping fees

    • Your Wallet’s total balance and its breakdown

    • The next cash-out date and how it is calculated

    • Your Wallet transactions

    • Wallet permissions

A quick summary of the Wallet cycle. 

We can summarize the wallet into 3 simple steps:

Check how the Wallet works in a minute

 At the end of every day, Bosta lists your completed orders in this day.

Bosta deposits to your Wallet's balance the collected cash and deducts the fees and shows it in the list of transactions

Bosta sets your next cash-out date and frequency and sends it regularly to your Bank account.
Your cash-out frequency is set based on the volume of your orders is x/month, 

 At the cash-out date, Bosta transfers your cash-out, and you can View Receipt details.

Let us start by digging deeper in the below sections.

How does the Wallet operate?

The daily deposit of your completed orders

  1. Go to and sign in to your business account and you’re one click away from accessing your Wallet details.

  1. When entering your Bosta Wallet, you’ll be able to check your business’s standing points on:

  • Your deposits and their receipts 

  • The cash collected for your business and its breakdown

  • The shipping fees for your completed orders.

Your collected cash and shipping fees

  1.  Click on the Cash Cycles section in the Wallet, you’ll head to the detailed breakdown of your orders’ financials. 

  1. Start by choosing the date you’re reviewing your Cash Cycles for. 

All of your orders’ deposit details like; cash collected, bosta fees, and any other transactions that happened on the same date you picked will appear for you to check and export all the data if needed. 

Note: Keep in mind that your order’s shipping fees vary based on the package size, order type, and drop-off city.

For more information about the pricing, visit your pricing settings.

Your Wallet’s total balance and its breakdown

  1. Head to the Total Balance page section, you first find your current Wallet balance

2. Click on the View Breakdown part in the Total Balance square if you need more details about your collected cash and subtracted fees. 

Notice that your Credit part includes the following transactions: any cash collected, cash refunded, recharged balance, and compensations. And they are added to your balance.

While your Debit part includes the following transactions: cash-outs, shipping fees, packing materials fees, Insurance fees, and VAT. And they’re deducted from your balance.

Simply, if you deducted your total credit from your total debit, you’ll get the total balance shown on your Total Balance page.

Find more about your total balance page here. 

The next cash-out date and how it is calculated

  1.  On your Total Balance page, head to the right side of your screen to view your next cash-out date and frequency. 

Note 1: Your cash-out frequency is set based on the volume of your orders per month.

Note 2: If an order is still in progress, it won't be calculated. 

Note 3: A completed order means one that has reached its final state, whether it was a successful completion like “Delivered,” “Collected,” “Exchanged & Returned,” or “Returned or even unsuccessful ones like “Returned to Origin.” 

Find more information about the cash-out transfer.

Your Wallet transactions

One last part on your Total Balance page to view is the Transactions table. 

You can find each Wallet transaction documented daily with the Action required for it, whether its view breakdown or view receipt or Download sheet options based on the type of transaction.

So, Make sure you know these Wallet transactions.

Six transactions are happening on your wallet daily:

  1. Collected Cash Cycle

  2. Bosta Fees

  3. Cash-out

  4. Compensation

  5. Packing Material Fees

  6. Recharge Balance

Get to know the Wallet’s transactions in detail from here

Wallet permissions

Bosta's Wallet access is granted only by the business account’s admin. And only the admin can assign who can access the Wallet.

Here is how to configure the wallet permission for each team member.

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