Product Updates

What's in your E-Wallet's Total Balance Page?
Your Total Balance page is one of the important pages in your Wallet section.  The page is full of information about your balance, transactions, next ca...
Wed, 29 Dec, 2021 at 1:22 AM
Who Can Access Your Bosta E-Wallet?
One of the critical updates on our dashboard was Teams and Permissions. The teams and permissions were initially created to help the business admin to ease...
Sun, 26 Dec, 2021 at 4:28 PM
Your Bosta E-Wallet Cash Out Transfers
In this article you’ll read about your cash-out transfers and how they get determined for your business account: What’s the meaning of Cash-out transfer?...
Sun, 26 Dec, 2021 at 4:31 PM
Your E-Wallet Cash-Out Transfers
In this article you’ll read about your cash-out transfers and how they get determined for your business account: What’s the meaning of Cash-out transfer?...
Wed, 29 Dec, 2021 at 1:15 AM
Say hello to Bosta E-Wallet!
Frustrated with having no idea how much Bosta owes you and how much you owe Bosta? Do not know when your next cash-out is coming? We have got you covered.  ...
Wed, 29 Dec, 2021 at 1:24 AM
Team Members and Permissions
Meet our brand new Team Members page! In our way to ease your daily workflow to you and your team, we created this page specifically so that everyone wh...
Sun, 26 Sep, 2021 at 10:08 AM
Bosta Wallet
One of the considerable business struggles for anyone is following up on daily financial updates such as the total balance, the cash-out transfer, shipping ...
Tue, 28 Sep, 2021 at 3:33 PM